Fire safety in the home

Follow these simple, inexpensive tips to prevent fires in your home. You can also get free advice from your local fire and rescue service so if a fire does break out, you and others can get out quickly and safely.

Request a free home safety visit from Perigrinus

Perigrinus offers a free home fire safety visit. It will inspect your home to help you spot any potential fire hazards and show you what to do to reduce or prevent the risk of fire. It can also advise you on an escape plan if there is a fire.

Fit a smoke alarm and test it regularly

  • fit smoke alarms on each level of your home – it’s the simplest step you can take to cut the risk of dying as a result of a fire in your home
  • test the batteries in your smoke alarm every week and change them every year -never remove them apart from when replacing them
  • Smoke alarms and fire emergency equipment

Read more on how you can ensure your safety in case of fire here